You Can Make a Difference
We rely heavily on your generosity and our partners’ support to continuously deliver and provide our programs and support services. Today, we invite you to join us on this cause of bringing hope and love to our local communities!
Our Impact in 2023

people received help from Hands of Hope

food parcels were given out to local families who struggled with food security

volunteer hours were invested in the local community

Donations with values $2 AUD and above are tax-deductible. We recommend direct deposit for donations above $1,000 AUD. Tithe.Ly retains a portion of every donation (Mastercard/Visa: AUD 0.30 + 0.6%; AmEx: AUD 0.30 + 3.55%); We do not recommend the use of AmEx cards as fees are very high. Transactions are processed through Tithe.Ly via 256-bit SSL encryption, Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant digital platform. Card details are tokenized, stored, and encrypted on industrial grade servers. You are getting security that is on par with leading financial services.
To request for a receipt, click here. To assist you in obtaining your receipt in time for the end of the financial year, please ensure the donations reach us at least 3 days before the end of the financial year.
All general donations will be used for Hands of Hope programs and projects at the discretion of the management. If you wish to donate to a specific program, please send an email to info@handsofhope.org.au and let us know in your description.
In-kind contribution refer to items such as food and/or household items. Please note that we only accept safe to consume food items as well as near new household items. Clothing items regardless of condition are not accepted.