It was a glorious, balmy March afternoon and the sun was shining. We couldn’t have asked for better weather to have our first gardening workshop for 2022 at Pallara Central Park. A dozen or so participants turned up.
One of the presenters, Kang Toh explained how he successfully grew dragon fruit, harvesting over 100 fruit last year. Eager to grow this tree and harvest its delicious (and ridiculously expensive!) fruit, the participants listened attentively and asked him a myriad of questions – how much do I water it? What kind of soil does it need?
Another presenter, Maureen, explained the many culinary and non-culinary uses of the popular and ancient herb rosemary.
Kang and Maureen had lots of free cuttings, seeds and motorcycle tyres to give away. (Motorcycle tyres??? Well, you’ll have to come to our next gardening workshop to find out how you can use them in the garden) Everyone went home satisfied with the knowledge, freebies and new friendships gained.