Jul 28, 2018 | The Kindness Bank
Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the community of members at Hope Church Brisbane across all services, Winter Warmers 2018 was a wonderful success. We truly believe that your giving has blessed so over 100 families in our community in the most practical way.
We are so grateful for a very generous church congregation this year, we have seen a huge increased in engagement from all services. A special shout out to all 12 volunteers from EW1 for spending more than 2 hours helping with sorting out the items. To all those who generously gave their time and resources to make our 2018 Winter Warmers successful – we say a heartiest thank you!
Through your giving, over 720 items were collected along with $1260 cash and gift cards donation which made up to more than double the number of donations received versus the previous year. These include:
- 455 clothing items.
- 169 non-perishable food items.
- 49 bedding items.
- 8 toiletries items & 6 pairs of shoes.
- Some other donation items such as heaters, kid toys and hot water bottles.
All the donated items will be distributed to Inala Youth Service Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP), Inala Community House and Romero Centre Refugee. We trust that what you have sown will bring great impact into the lives of many people in needs in our community, such as young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness as well as refugees and asylum seekers.

Once again, thank you for your overwhelming generosity and support.
Sep 10, 2017 | The Kindness Bank
On 25th of August, up to 15 businesses were destroyed by a huge blaze of fire at the Inala Civic Centre.
Hands of Hope has successfully collected $800 worth of food vouchers and 2 food hampers, donated by Hope Church staff and the church members. We thank Cr. Charles Strunk, Councilor of Forest Lake, for this great opportunity to be part of the helping hands to the local community, who are adversely affected by the fire incident.
“These are the moments that really make me proud to be the local councilor. Please join me thanking the team at Hands of Hope for donating so many hampers and vouchers and the joy their kindness has brought..” – Cr. Charles Strunk.



Jun 22, 2017 | The Kindness Bank
It all begins with willing hearts and hands to bring in food and clothing to make the winter much more bearable for some. Every year since last year, we rally the church in the lead up to winter season through our Winter Warmers project to share what we have and bless those in need.
We are always grateful for a very generous church congregation and this year, we have seen an increased engagement from different service centers towards this community project. We also appreciate 6 volunteers from Ablaze service to help with sorting out the items. To all those who generously gave of their time and resources to make our 2017 Winter Warmers successful – we say thank you!
Through your giving, 320 items were collected. These include:
- 147 clothing items,
- 80 bedding items,
- 36 toiletries and,
- 57 non-perishable food items.
All the donated items will be distributed to Inala Youth Service Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP). SAAP provides safe and affordable accommodation to young people aged 16 to 25 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Lisa Evans, CEO of SAAP has expressed her deep appreciation and is overwhelmed by the generosity of the church. We believe that this will bring great impact into the lives of young people in the Inala community.
Thank you for your overwhelming generosity and support.
Nov 30, 2016 | The Kindness Bank
Christmas is a joyous occasion for many; but for some, it can be the hardest time of the year. In the spirit of giving and being a blessing, we ran our annual Christmas hampers program with the goal of generously blessing families who are doing it tough financially with a hamper around the Christmas period. The hampers were lovingly packed by our volunteers and consist of food, home necessities and some Christmas treats and presents.
This year we collected and donated a total of 39 hampers! The recipients of the hampers were referred to us by their social workers from Disability Services, Inala Youth Service and Vietnamese Community Association. A few recipients of the hampers came into contact with us through self-referral. We received positive feedback from the families and social workers that the hampers have been very much appreciated, especially around the Christmas season.
May 15, 2016 | The Kindness Bank
This year, our Winter Warmers campaign focused on the collection of warm clothing and blankets. These collections were given to the young people at Inala Youth Service Supported Accommodation Assistance Program. In total, we collected:
3 beanies, 1 socks
6 boys tops, 11 girls tops
2 sleeping bags & 1 yoga mat
22 track pants
11 towels
25 blankets
54 jackets
Our heartiest thank you to everyone who kindly donated the items!
Jan 8, 2016 | The Kindness Bank
This Christmas, wanting to be a blessing to the local community, Hands of Hope and members of Hope Church Brisbane rallied together for the Christmas Hampers Program. We were able to bring a hamper full of goodness to families around the Willawong region, predominantly in Inala, Durack, Doollandella, Forest Lake, Acacia Ridge and Pallara.
We collected and delivered a total of:
- 67 hampers
- 11 $30 gift cards
We thank local agencies Disability Services, the Chaplain of Richlands East State School, Early Childhood Services, the Hub Neighbourhood Centre and Inala Youth Services Supported Accommodation Assistance Program for connecting us with these families and wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and New Year!